Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Importance of Setting Our Atmosphere

Peace and Blessings to all of you that visit my little corner. I must say that I was touched by the emails that I received asking why I had not posted anything. It is such a blessing to know that my sharing what I have received through studying and my precious time with the Lord is a blessing to others! I had to set some priorites in my life and I threw out some things that I do not need as a "Kingdom Citizen", AMEN! Now, I have more time for the things that I love and one of those things is to encourage members of the body of Christ.

A few months ago, Minister Kier Johnson who is also apart of Word of Faith Worship Center, blessed our ministry with the message of Setting the Atmosphere. In his message, he encouraged us to wake up thanking God for what he has already done for us and not to focus on the things that we feel we need or lack. He stated that when we set the atmosphere for God to come in and have his way in our lives, we set the atmosphere for great things to occur. Minister Kier also gave the warning that if we fail to set our atmosphere, we leave ourselves open to negative forces that can set it for us.

Last week, our Pastor delivered a message that also quickened my spirit. He made reference to a familiar passage of the Model Prayer . . . Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Pastor Johnson skillfully showed us that man is of the earth. Genesis 2:7 states that the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground. That is earth, dear hearts! His will is to be done within us and through us. Mmmm . . . that's good stuff!

So, I had these two wonderful messages but I did not receive the revelation until two nights ago. Our God is so awesome! I love when he pours just a touch of his intellegence into me. He strategically allowed the revelation of these messages to be revealed to me during a time when I needed it most. Not a moment later and not a moment sooner.

My prayer is that you take your time to receive what I am about to share with you. Look at the pictures that I have included. Read this more than once. I seldom receive revelation from the first time I read something.

Two nights ago, I was watching National Geographic. The program was about the planets. The picture above is of the planet Mercury. For those of us that are older, we may have forgotten of what causes all of the craters on Mercury's surface. Mercury basically has no atmosphere to protect it from the asteroids that have been hitting it for millions of years. As you see, it has taken a beating.

This is a beautiful picture of Earth. Notice that filmy mass that encases the Earth. That is the Earth's atmosphere. Unlike Mercury, the Earth has a constant atmosphere that has been set to protect the life of Earth. This is why Earth has not taken the beating that Mercury has.

For those of you that are being persecuted by others . . . SET YOUR ATMOSPHERE! Yes, people are going to talk about you, your name will be slandered, they will challenge your knowledge of the word, they will bring up the things that you used to do, they will lie on you and the hurtful part of it is that some of them are SAVED or at least we think they are. SET YOUR ATMOSPHERE so that none of those things matter. There is nothing that is more powerful than the full armor of God that we wear. Knowing that you wear the armor and setting your atmosphere keeps you from taking the beatings that you have been taking. This does not mean that we are rude to those that try to hurt and discourage us. We do not war against people but principalities (Eph. 6:12). We are to love them and pray that in God's time they will be able to see the peaceful and loving atmosphere that encases us and long for that. It wasn't long ago that we saw someone else's atmosphere and desired to be encased as they were. When we set Our Atmosphere, it not only protects the spirit that lives in our earthly vessel but also shows others what Jesus has done for us and for them. The difference is that we have accepted it.

I encourage anyone to post their thoughts here. Feel free to disagree . . . with scriptural reference, of course. Elaborate on a posting or share your personal experiences. I have read some great emails from some of you and I know that others can benefit from what you have to share.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Trouble at Work

This is T.E. Johnson. He is the Pastor/Teacher of Word of Faith Worship Center in Bradenton, Florida. That is where I receive my spiritual feeding when I am not feeding myself. He is such a blessing. He does not just preach the word, he teaches it.

We have been in a wonderful series for about 8 weeks that is entitled God's Financial Plan for the Believer. I can't begin to tell you how this has changed the lives of our members (my prayer is that Pastor Johnson will provide these sessions on video in the near future). There are times when the enemy can sneak up on us and we are caught off guard but thank God for the times when the enemy is oh so predictable. God's Financial Plan for the Believer is basically dealing with money and how we as Christians are to handle it. We knew that the enemy was going to try and attack in our personal finances now that God has revealed his plan to us and we had the ear to hear. Pastor Johnson also taught that it is not always the enemy. There are other factors that will come into play when it comes to money. For this time of sharing, I am just going to focus in on what the enemy has tried with me.

For most of us, we receive income by working. For most of us, we work a secular job. For me, this has been the devil's play ground. I knew that he was going to try and attack me at work because one reason that I am there is to make money. The most important reason is to save souls . . . I hope you know that as a believer, that is your REAL job/career. I will save that for another day.

I have been having trouble at work and so have other members of our ministry. There are times when we don't agree with the Higher Ups in the secular world, especially when we feel that we are being singled out. In my study time, the Lord led me to Ephesians 6: 5-9. Paul says, "Bondservants, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ: not with eyeservice, as menpleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive the same from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free. And you, masters, do the same things to them, giving up threatening, knowing that your own Master also is in heaven, and there is no partiality with him."

At this point you should be doing a little praise dance. In just those few words, God has given us what we need to get through the work day. Some may feel that this does not apply to us in present day because this was pertaining to the Master/Slave relationship. As long as this earth is in existence, there will always be someone working for someone else. Although we may not agree with what is going on at work, your duty is to get it done as if for the Lord. So what, if filing is not apart of your "job description". Get it done with the Lord in mind. This is so much bigger than you or your supervisor. There may be another co-worker that is unsaved but watching how you handle the situation. If you perform the duties without attitude, without gathering with other disgruntle employees at lunch to discuss it and complete the task with a smile. That unsaved individual may come to you and ask, "How do you take that? Why is it that you don't go off on them? Why is it that you are always smiling?" This is your opportunity to say, "I am a Christian and I see the bigger picture." You have just planted a seed in that person. They may not ask more about your Christianity that day, but begin to pray for the Lord to stir up a desire in them to hunger for more so that you can feed them a little each day. And know that they will keep watching you. You can't be meek one day and then cursing folks out the next. Lord, help us (LOL).

Is it right for us to be mistreated at work? Of course not. But notice that God placed instructions for the Masters according to the flesh in those words. He loves them no more than he loves you. He knows what they do and he is your protector.

Please study those verses. There are other key points that I did not share, this time. Also, God has given us a wonderful tool called Common Sense. There is a Human Resource Department within companies for a reason.

Peace and Blessings

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Purpose

As always, I give thanks to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think accourding to the power that works in us (Ephesians 3:1). I would also like to thank you for taking the time to read my blog.

The most important thing to know about me is that I am a Christian. This means that I have confessed with my mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9). There is nothing greater than knowing that you are saved and will have everlasting life. For me, this did not happen overnight. I received Christ when I was 16 years old. It wasn't until 18 years later that I began submitting myself to His will. For those of you that are saved, it seems that most of us did more sinful things after we were saved. But because he is so patient and slow to anger, he allowed us to make it to the point where we wanted more of him and wanted to be more like him.

The purpose of this blog is to encourage anyone that comes across it. There is much more to life than being born, death and the stuff in between. We are not on this earth because of the "Big Bang" theory. We are here because God desires for us to experience life. With that being said, are you truly living? Take the time to study Luke 12: 15-34.